"It's Not What It Looks Like", A Book Review

When I decided to write this review, I was a little uncertain on when to post it. You see, I've already written this week's blog post, but haven't yet set it up for it's pre-programmed publishing on Wednesday. I could push that post back a week, but I like it. I could post this one next week, but I want to give people a chance to get this book the way I did. So, we're doing a bonus blog.

"It's Not What It Looks Like" is an audiobook written and performed by Molly Burke. Molly is a youtuber, instagrammer, motivational speaker and "social media influencer". She is also blind. This book is about her life, her triumphs and her struggles.

Here's the thing. I identify and have so much in common with this young lady that I was genuinely relieved when she got to a part that didn't match my own outlook on life. No, I'm not going to tell you which part that was, because it isn't important. But I'm glad it's there. She even has purple hair. Which I do not have, but which my stylist and I have laid solid plans to achieve in the fall, when I've grown my hair out enough so that my white streaks are fully in evidence. She makes the same sort of blind girl puns as I do. She even keeps calling herself a "blind girl", which I do. Or sometimes, blind chick.

But understanding me better is not the only reason you should pick this book up. In fact, it's more of a side benefit. If you are not disabled, I genuinely believe that listening to this audiobook will give you a lot of insight on how to handle interactions with the disabled. From everything from what not to say to why it is not cool to call your untrained pet a service animal, no matter how much emotional support they provide.  If you are disabled, this is a positive example of how it is possible to live your life and pursue your dreams.

Now, I am no carbon copy of Molly Burke, nor she of me, but she's a good example of how normal a blind person can be, while also not sugar-coating the challenges. She, like me, is not defined by her blindness, but also refuses to hide the fact that it has shaped her. Her story is heart-warming, and will give you the feels. It is also entertaining, and occasionally quite funny.

It will also make you think. It made me think. In fact, it has challenged something that I believed about myself, and even just wrote about, namely that the reason I don't care about physical appearance is because I'm blind. I still stick to what I said, but it may have a lot more to do with being a massage therapist and seeing bodies a bit differently. Incidentally, I don't think Molly is wrong about this. I don't think someone is wrong not to be physically attracted to larger people, or shorter people, or blonde people, so long as they don't discriminate against those people because of what doesn't attract them, which Molly does not.

That's also not the difference between us mentionned above, just so you don't think you found it.

I'm not sure if this book is available in print, and I am not going to look it up so I can tell you, either. Why? Because I think this should be experienced as an audio book. As it is an Audible Original, I doubt that you can get it anywhere but from audible.com, either. The good news? If you are an audible member, this is listed as one of the two free Audible Originals you can nab for the month of August, which is both how I found it, and why I decided to write and post this immediately.

Here is how you find it. During August of 2019, open up your Audible app, and find the "Originals" tab. It will be there. If you are reading this after August, or don't use the app, go to https://www.audible.com/pd/Its-Not-What-It-Looks-Like-Audiobook/B07TVF9RMY?qid=1565013973&sr=1-1&pf_rd_p=e81b7c27-6880-467a-b5a7-13cef5d729fe&pf_rd_r=N4CCEPJX3G2B2YBTJH88&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1 and grab it from there. I can't tell you how much it is, though, as I didn't look before  picking it up, and the price doesn't show on the page once you own a thing.

Regardless, check this out. You'll love it. I loved it so much that I decided to put up my first book review on it before even finishing it.

Want to follow or interact with me on social media? Find me on Twitter by following @jennifermorash or head over to http://www.facebook.com/jennifermorashblog. I post blogs every week on Wednesdays.


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